tidal wave - significado y definición. Qué es tidal wave
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Qué (quién) es tidal wave - definición

Tital wave; Tidal Wave; Tidal waves; Tidalwave; Tidal wave (disambiguation); Tidal wave (film); Title wave; Tidal Waves; Tidal Waves (song); Tidal Wave (film); Tidal Wave (disambiguation); Tidal Wave (album)

tidal wave         
(tidal waves)
A tidal wave is a very large wave, often caused by an earthquake, that flows onto the land and destroys things.
...a massive tidal wave swept the ship up and away.
If you describe a very large number of emotions, things, or people as a tidal wave, you mean that they all occur at the same time.
The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole...
= deluge
N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n
tidal wave         
¦ noun
1. an exceptionally large ocean wave, especially one caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.
2. a widespread or overwhelming manifestation of an emotion or phenomenon.
The Tidal Wave         
The Tidal Wave is a 1920 British silent drama film directed by Sinclair Hill and starring Poppy Wyndham, Sydney Seaward and Pardoe Woodman.Low p.


Tidal wave

Tidal wave may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para tidal wave
1. tidal wave--
Ripple - Enterprise Blockchain _ Chris Larsen & Stefan Thomas _ Talks at Google
2. Columbine was a tidal wave,
3. When the tidal wave comes.
My Film Making Career _ Jerry Zucker _ Talks at Google
4. Tidal wave, a pollen vortex.
Optimize an Allergy Fighting Landscape _ Tom Ogren _ Talks at Google
5. but as a tidal wave.
Ejemplos de uso de tidal wave
1. "This is a tidal wave" for Obama, said Donna Brazile.
2. "There is a huge, green tidal wave in public opinion.
3. The tidal wave of fear washed over Tel Aviv yesterday.
4. Blown eastward by high winds, the surge hit the county like a tidal wave.
5. "It‘s looking like an unstoppable tidal wave right now," Davis said.